Social Science History

Social Science History is dedicated to the study of social theory within an empirical historical context. Our interdisciplinary readership includes anthropologists, demographers, economists, geographers, historians, political scientists, and sociologists, all in pursuit of a deep understanding of societies, past and present.
An Introduction
The journal invites articles that blend empirical research with theoretical work, undertake comparisons across time and space, or contribute to the development of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. Social Science History is published by Cambridge University Press. The contact email for the editorial office is
As the official journal of the Social Science History Association, Social Science History reflects the interests of members who are active in the Association’s diverse range of research networks. However, it also welcomes submissions from the broader international research community of historically informed social scientists. Read about the Editorial Board of Social Science History.
For information about the Association’s activities, its research networks, and its annual conference, please visit its web page at
Submission Information
Social Science History takes submissions via the online platform supported by Editorial Manager. To submit an article, please visit If this is your first time using Editorial Manager, you will need to register. Then follow the instructions on the site. Articles should be typed double-spaced, including quotations, notes, information in tables, and the list of references.Brief parenthetical citations are included in the text, all complete references are listed alphabetically at the end of the article, and notes are used only for discursive comments and appear immediately before the list of references. For detailed information on this journal’s style, contributors should refer to the SSH style guide. The Social Science History Association does not accept responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by the contributors.