Graduate Studies

Man looking at a laptop

The History Faculty collaborates with the Program in Science, Technology and Society and the Anthropology Program in the Doctoral Program in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology and Society (HASTS).


HASTS students are required to take 10 subjects plus STS.840 HASTS Professional Perspective.  Three of the 10 subjects must be the following required core subjects, which are normally taken within the first year:

21H.991 Theories and Methods in the Study of History

STS.250J/21A.859J Social Theory and Analysis

STS.260 Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

HASTS students are encouraged to take at least one of these two subjects as part of their 10:

21A.809J Designing Empirical Research in the Social Sciences

21A.819 Ethnographic Research Methods

The remaining subjects should be chosen in consultation with the advisor, and fit into a coherent course of study. Ordinarily, all required coursework (with the exception of STS.840) is completed in four semesters.

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