(IAP) Independent Activities Period in Ancient Greece and Italy
Building on the success of prior seasons of the IAP in Ancient Italy/Greece program, the MIT History Faculty and MIT Concourse will continue to offer between 10 and 20 MIT undergraduates first–hand experiences in Italy and Greece.

In Greece, first hand experiences of Greek art and archaeology – city design, temples, theaters, monuments public and private, art of every kind and every material – in the settings where they can best be explored: in the magnificent heart of bustling Athens, and across the breathtaking landscape of central Greece (Delphi, Olympia, Epidauros, Mycenae, Corinth).

In Italy, first-hand experiences of Greek and Roman archaeology – urban topography, architecture, public and private monuments – in the setting where they can best be explored: in the heart of Rome, and along the Bay of Naples (ancient Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Naples).
Be sure to watch the EVENTS section of the History website for information on the next IAP trip.
For more information regarding History’s IAP in Italy and Greece, please feel free to contact Professor William Broadhead at williamb@mit.edu