Imperial and Revolutionary Russia: Culture and Politics, 1700-1917

TR 2:30-4, 56-169

Analyzes Russia’s social, cultural, and political heritage in the 18th and 19th centuries, up to and including the Russian Revolution of 1917. Compares reforming and revolutionary impulses in the context of serfdom, the rise of the intelligentsia, and debates over capitalism. Focuses on historical and literary texts, especially the intersections between the two.

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France and Haiti: Enlightenment, Slavery, and Revolution

W 7-10pm, E51-285
Malick W. Ghachem Intermediate HASS-H
21H.343 CC.120

Making Books in the Renaissance and Today

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Erica Zimmer Seminar HASS-A

Special Subject: The Laws of War in Global History

M 2-5, 2-103
Elena Kempf Intermediate HASS-H

Special Subject: Modern Germany

MW 11-12:30, 2-103
Elena Kempf Intermediate HASS-H

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