Ancient Empires: Persians and Greeks in Antiquity

Not Offered Regularly; Consult Department

Explores interactions between Greeks and Persians in the Mediterranean and Near East from the Archaic Period to the Hellenistic Age, and works to illuminate the interface between these two distinct yet complementary cultures. Examines the general narrative of Greco-Persian history, from the foundation of the Achaemenid Empire in the middle of the sixth century BCE to the Macedonian conquest of Persia some 250 years later. Discusses how contact between Persia and the Greeks in antiquity has influenced discourse about the opposition between East and West in the modern world. Students examine archaeological, epigraphical, numismatic, and literary materials from a variety of sources including Greek historiography, tragedy, and oratory; Persian royal inscriptions and administrative documents; and the Hebrew Bible.

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Offered Fall 2024

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category

The Ancient World: Greece

Lecture: MW 12-1, 3-133
Recitation 1: F 1-2, 66-154
Recitation 2: F 2-3, 66-154
Eric Driscoll
Introductory HASS-H CI-H

The Medieval World

TR 9:30-11; 4-257
Eric J. Goldberg Introductory HASS-H

Not Offered This Term