The Ancient World: Rome

L01: MW 12-2; 4-231
R01: R; 56-191
R02: F 1-2; 56-180

History of Rome from its humble beginnings to the 5th century A.D. First half: Kingship to Republican form; the conquest of Italy; Roman expansion: Pyrrhus, Punic Wars and provinces; classes, courts, and the Roman revolution; Augustus and the formation of empire. Second half: Virgil to the Vandals; major social, economic, political and religious trends at Rome and in the provinces. Emphasis on use of primary sources in translation. Enrollment limited.

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Offered Fall 2024

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Recitation 1: F 1-2, 66-154
Recitation 2: F 2-3, 66-154
Eric Driscoll
Introductory HASS-H CI-H

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TR 9:30-11; 4-257
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