The World of Charlemagne

Investigates the world of the first medieval emperor, Charles the Great, or Charlemagne (768-814). Focuses on how Charlemagne and his dynasty, the Carolingians (ruled 751-888), forged a vast empire out of the diverse peoples and territories of Europe – not only through conquests and military might, but through Christianity and the Church, education and literacy, government and law, art and architecture, and a fundamental reorganization of the economy and society. Considers the enduring contributions of Charlemagne and his family to the formation of Europe as well as the shortcomings and failures of their empire.

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Offered Fall 2024

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category

The Ancient World: Greece

Lecture: MW 12-1, 3-133
Recitation 1: F 1-2, 66-154
Recitation 2: F 2-3, 66-154
Eric Driscoll
Introductory HASS-H CI-H

The Medieval World

TR 9:30-11; 4-257
Eric J. Goldberg Introductory HASS-H

Not Offered This Term