Culture and Society

Subjects Offered

Offered Spring 2025

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category
21H.106 24.912 21L.008 21W.741 CMS.150 WGS.190

Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies

T 2-5, E15-335
Michel DeGraff
D. Fox Harrell
Danielle Wood
Introductory HASS-A

A Survey of Modern African History

TR 9:30-11, 1-273
Kenda Mutongi Introductory HASS-H

The American Revolution

T 2-5, E51-393
Marjoleine Kars
Intermediate HASS-H
21H.217 11.013

American Urban History

T 2-4, 8-205
Ezra Glenn Seminar HASS-H CI-H
21H.220 11.150

Metropolis: A Comparative History of New York City

MW 2:30-4, 1-273
Craig Steven Wilder Seminar HASS-H
21H.241 21G.054

France and Haiti: Enlightenment, Slavery, and Revolution

W 7-10pm, E51-285
Malick W. Ghachem Intermediate HASS-H
21H.263 WGS.220

Women and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa

F 10-1, 2-103
Lerna Ekmekcioglu Seminar HASS-H

South Africa and Apartheid

TR 1-2:30, 56-154
Kenda Mutongi Intermediate HASS-H

South Asia, the United States, and MIT: Transformative Connections

W 11-1, E51-285
Sana Aiyar Intermediate HASS-H

History Near and Dear: Writing Yourself into History

TR 11-12:30, 1-273
Marjoleine Kars Intermediate HASS-H CI-H
21H.352 21G.042

Three Kingdoms: From History to Fiction, Comic, Film, and Game

TR 1-2:30, 14E-310
Emma Teng Seminar HASS-H
21H.358 U 21H.958 G WGS.315 G

Colonialism in South Asia and Africa: Race, Gender, Resistance

T 11-1, E51-390
Sana Aiyar Seminar
21H.984 STS.414

Risk, Fortune, and Futurity

W 2-5, 2-103
Caley Horan
Will Deringer

Special Subject: Modern Germany

MW 11-12:30, 2-103
Elena Kempf Intermediate HASS-H

Not Offered This Term

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category

How to Stage a Revolution

Staff Introductory HASS-H CI-H

World History and Its Fault Lines Since 1800

Sana Aiyar
Hiromu Nagahara
Introductory HASS-H CI-H

Digital Humanities Laboratory

Not offered regularly; consult department
Catherine Clark Introductory LAB

American History to 1865

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Introductory HASS-H

American History since 1865

Staff Introductory HASS-H CI-H
21H.107 21G.043

From Yellow Peril to Model Minority: Asian American History to 1968

Emma Teng
Introductory HASS-H

J.R.R. Tolkien: Scholar, Author, and Thinker

Eric J. Goldberg Introductory HASS-H CI-H

Renaissance to Revolution: Europe, 1300-1800

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Introductory HASS-H CI-H
21H.143 21G.056

The “Making” of Modern Europe: 1789 – Present

Elena Kempf
Introductory HASS-H
21H.144 21G.087

Introduction to Russian Studies

Elizabeth A. Wood
Maria Khotimsky
Introductory HASS-H
21H.145 21G.049 4.674

French Photography

Catherine Clark Introductory HASS-A CI-H
21H.156 21G.045

Global Chinese Food: A Historical Overview

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Introductory HASS-H

Modern South Asia

Sana Aiyar Introductory HASS-S
21H.170 17.55 21A.130 21G.084

Introduction to Latin American Studies

Tanalís Padilla Introductory HASS-S CI-H
21H.172 21G.078

Latin America Through Film

Not offered regularly; consult department
Tanalís Padilla Introductory HASS-H

Socialism in Latin America, from Che Guevara to Hugo Chavez

Tanalís Padilla Introductory HASS-H
21H.181 17.035


Malick W. Ghachem Introductory HASS-H
21H.205 STS.427

The Civil War and the Emergence of Modern America: 1861-1890

Merritt Roe Smith Intermediate HASS-H

The United States in the Cold War Era

Not offered regularly; consult department
Caley Horan Intermediate HASS-H
21H.213 17.28

The War at Home: American Politics and Society in Wartime

Christopher Capozzola
Adam Berinsky
Intermediate HASS-S

War and American Society

Not offered regularly; consult department
Christopher Capozzola Intermediate HASS-H

History of American Capitalism

Caley Horan Intermediate HASS-H
21H.226 11.015

Riots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History

Staff Intermediate HASS-H CI-H

American Classics

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder
Intermediate HASS-H CI-H

The Black Radical Tradition in America

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Intermediate HASS-H
21H.242 21G.322

Frenchness in and Era of Globalization

Not offered regularly; consult department
Catherine Clark Intermediate HASS-H
21H.245 21G.086 17.57

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society: 1917 to the Present

Elizabeth A. Wood Intermediate HASS-S CI-H

Looking East/Looking West

Catherine Clark
Hiromu Nagahara
Intermediate HASS-H
21H.253 21G.075

Global Chinese Migration, 1567- Present

Not offered regularly; consult department
Emma Teng Intermediate HASS-H

Cities in the Middle East: History, Politics and Society

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Intermediate HASS-S

Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Pouya Alimagham Intermediate HASS-H

Atlantic Slave Revolts

Marjoleine Kars Intermediate HASS-H

Urban History in Africa

Kenda Mutongi Intermediate HASS-H

MIT and Slavery: Research

Craig Steven Wilder Intermediate HASS-H CI-H

MIT and Slavery: Publication

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Intermediate HASS-H

The Indigenous History of MIT

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Intermediate HASS-H
21H.285 STS.025

Making the Modern World: The Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective

Merritt Roe Smith Intermediate HASS-H

American Consumer Culture

Caley Horan Seminar HASS-H

Race, Crime, and Citizenship in American Law

Malick W. Ghachem Seminar HASS-S

Gender and the Law in US History

Not offered regularly; consult department
Christopher Capozzola Seminar HASS-H

Christianity in America

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Seminar HASS-H
21H.363 WGS.330

Abortion: Global and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (NEW)

Lerna Ekmekcioglu Seminar HASS-H
21H.381 WGS.222

Women and War

Lerna Ekmekcioglu Seminar HASS-S
21H.385 11.152

The Ghetto: From Venice to Harlem

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Seminar HASS-S
21H.388 U 21H.988 G

Global Commodities, American Dreams

Megan A. Black Seminar
21H.990 STS.432

Narrating the Anthropocene: Understanding a Multi-Species Universe

Megan A. Black
Kate Brown

Special Subject


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