Medieval Warfare

Investigates the organization and conduct of war in the medieval world, from barbarian invasions in Late Antiquity to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453. Explores continuities and transformations in warfare from the late Roman empire to the successor kingdoms of medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Muslim world. Examines the complex interplay between war, politics, and society, and problematizes popular images of medieval warfare as primitive, heroic, and chivalric. Topics include the barbarian invasions of the Roman empire, the expansion of Islam, Charlemagne’s subjugation of the Saxons, the Viking raids, castle building and siege warfare, the Norman Conquest and Crusades, and ideologies of just war, holy war, and jihad.

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Offered Spring 2025

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21H.007 21L.014

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Recitation 1: W 1-2:30, 66-160
Eric Driscoll
Stephanie Frampton
Introductory HASS-H CI-H

The City of Athens in the Age of Pericles

TR 2:30-4, 4-144
Eric Driscoll Intermediate HASS-H

The World of Charlemagne

TR 9:30-11, E51-385
Eric J. Goldberg Intermediate HASS-H CI-H

Special Subject: The Laws of War in Global History

M 2-5, 2-103
Elena Kempf Intermediate HASS-H

Special Subject: Modern Germany

MW 11-12:30, 2-103
Elena Kempf Intermediate HASS-H

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