The Making of a Roman Emperor

Through close examination of the emperor Augustus and his Julio-Claudian successors, this subject investigates how Roman emperors used art, architecture, coinage, and other media to create and project an image of themselves, how the surviving literary sources from the Roman period reinforced or subverted that image, and how both phenomena have contributed to post-classical perceptions of Roman emperors. Also considers works of Suetonius and Tacitus, and modern representations of the emperors such as those found in the films I, Claudius, Quo Vadis, and HBO’s Rome series. Enrollment limited to 15.

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Offered Spring 2025

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category
21H.007 21L.014

Introduction to Ancient and Medieval Studies

Lecture: M 1-2:30, 66-160
Recitation 1: W 1-2:30, 66-160
Eric Driscoll
Stephanie Frampton
Introductory HASS-H CI-H

The City of Athens in the Age of Pericles

TR 2:30-4, 4-144
Eric Driscoll Intermediate HASS-H

The World of Charlemagne

TR 9:30-11, E51-385
Eric J. Goldberg Intermediate HASS-H CI-H

Not Offered This Term