Humanitarianism in Africa: A Critical History

Examines two centuries of foreign interventions in Africa in the name of humanitarian principles, from the abolition of the slave trade to the most recent Ebola crisis in West Africa. Explores humanitarianism and how it informs the understanding of poverty, race, and violence; and who gives and receives aid. Scrutinizes the prejudices about Africans embedded within salvation projects and how these campaigns have been part of the larger dynamics of power that have defined Africa’s position in the world before, during, and after the European colonization of the continent. Reflects upon the practical and morally ethical alternatives in a world still shaped by suffering and injustice.

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Global Chinese Food: A Historical Overview

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Emma Teng Introductory HASS-H
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Environment and History

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The Black Radical Tradition in America

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Intermediate HASS-H
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Frenchness in and Era of Globalization

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Catherine Clark Intermediate HASS-H
21H.253 21G.075

Global Chinese Migration, 1567- Present

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Emma Teng Intermediate HASS-H
21H.263 WGS.220

Women and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa

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South Africa and Apartheid

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Atlantic Slave Revolts

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Urban History in Africa (NEW)

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MIT and Slavery: Publication

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Craig Steven Wilder Intermediate HASS-H

The Indigenous History of MIT

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South Asia, the United States, and MIT: Transformative Connections

Sana Aiyar Intermediate HASS-H
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Making the Modern World: The Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective

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History Near and Dear: Writing Yourself into History

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South Asian Migrations

Sana Aiyar Seminar HASS-H
21H.358 U 21H.958 G WGS.315 G

Colonialism in South Asia and Africa: Race, Gender, Resistance

W 10-12; E51-390
Sana Aiyar Graduate

Echoes of Slavery: Recovering the Histories of Enslaved People (NEW)

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Minorities and Majorities in the Middle East

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Technology and the Global Economy

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The Ghetto: From Venice to Harlem

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Craig Steven Wilder Seminar HASS-S
21H.388 U 21H.988 G

Global Commodities, American Dreams

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