Technology and the Global Economy

Examines the global history of the last millennium, including technological change, commodity exchange, systems of production, and economic growth. Students engage with economic history, medieval and early modern origins of modern systems of production, consumption and global exchange. Topics include the long pre-history of modern economic development; medieval world systems; the age of discovery, the global crisis of the 17th century; demographic systems, global population movements; the industrial revolution, the rise of the modern consumer; colonialism and empire building; patterns of inequality, within and across states; resources and development; and the threat of climate change to modern economic systems. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.

Related Subjects

Offered Fall 2024

Not Offered This Term

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category

How to Stage a Revolution

Staff Introductory HASS-H CI-H
21H.134 14.70

Medieval Economic History in Comparative Perspective

Anne E. C. McCants Introductory HASS-S CI-H
21H.144 21G.087

Introduction to Russian Studies

Elizabeth A. Wood
Maria Khotimsky
Introductory HASS-H
21H.156 21G.045

Global Chinese Food: A Historical Overview

Not offered regularly; consult department
Emma Teng Introductory HASS-H
21H.185 12.386 STS.031

Environment and History

Staff Introductory HASS-S CI-H

US Environmental Governance: from National Parks to the Green New Deal

TR 11-12:30; 56-162
Megan A. Black Introductory HASS-H
21H.205 STS.427

The Civil War and the Emergence of Modern America: 1861-1890

Merritt Roe Smith Intermediate HASS-H
21H.242 21G.322

Frenchness in and Era of Globalization

Not offered regularly; consult department
Catherine Clark Intermediate HASS-H
21H.253 21G.075

Global Chinese Migration, 1567- Present

Not offered regularly; consult department
Emma Teng Intermediate HASS-H

Humanitarianism in Africa: A Critical History

Kenda Mutongi Intermediate HASS-H
21H.285 STS.025

Making the Modern World: The Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective

Merritt Roe Smith Intermediate HASS-H

Business in China Since 1800

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Seminar HASS-H

South Asian Migrations

Sana Aiyar Seminar HASS-H

Echoes of Slavery: Recovering the Histories of Enslaved People (NEW)

Marjoleine Kars Seminar HASS-H
21H.388 U 21H.988 G

Global Commodities, American Dreams

Megan A. Black Graduate
21H.920 G 21H.290 U

Economic Classics: The History of Economic Ideas from Ancient Times to the Present

Anne E. C. McCants
Ian Kumekawa
21H.984 STS.414

Risk, Fortune, and Futurity

Caley Horan
Will Deringer