Medieval Economic History in Comparative Perspective

Surveys the foundations of material life and changing social and economic conditions in medieval Europe in their broader Eurasian context. Covers the gradual disintegration of the Roman imperial order, the emergence and decline of feudal institutions, the transformation of peasant agriculture, living standards and the impact of climate and disease environments, and the ebb and flow of long-distance trade across the Eurasian system. Particular emphasis on the study of those factors, both institutional and technological, which contributed to the emergence of capitalist organization and economic growth in western Europe in comparison to the trajectories followed by the other major medieval economies.

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Offered Spring 2025

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21H.007 21L.014

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The City of Athens in the Age of Pericles

TR 2:30-4, 4-144
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The World of Charlemagne

TR 9:30-11, E51-385
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Economic Classics: The History of Economic Ideas from Ancient Times to the Present

TR 3-4:30, 4-261
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Risk, Fortune, and Futurity

W 2-5, 2-103
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